팝업레이어 알림

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J Law Offices

J Law Offices was founded by
7 lawyers with more than 10 years
of legal practice career.

We are ready to assist clients'
concern and communicate with
our clients to find better solution.

Based on our extensive experience,
we provide practical and expert
advice on clients' various legal disputes.

Main Business

lawyer with more than 10 years of experience in various fields
provides quality legal services.

Civil Litigation

J Law Offices focuses on finding the best argument and evidence by analyzing the client's situation from various legal perspectives, and has achieved significant results so far.

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Criminal Defense

J Law Offices provides the best solution to clients based on years of experience in dealing with various types of crimes.

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J Law Offices values continuous and close relationships with our clients.
We provide a comprehensive and efficient solution based on the review and analysis of clients' legal issues.

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Family / Inheritance

We provide solutions to legal issues in the field of family/inheritance by accurately understanding the circumstances and needs of our clients.

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Intellectual Property

Our lawyers with experience in intellectual property disputes provide the best solutions to various legal issues, including intellectual property disputes, advice on intellectual property rights, and infringement response.

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Our lawyers with extensive experience and knowledge in each area of construction and real estate will provide the best solution.

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Maritime / Transport

We protect the interests of our clients through accurate fact-finding and legal analysis of legal disputes arising throughout the logistics process, including each stage of transportation by sea, air and land.

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We provide legal services related to various types of insurance, including life and non-life insurance, based on our rich experience and expertise.

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International Transaction

Our lawyers have accumulated various experiences by representing foreign corporations or conducting lawsuits or arbitration against foreign corporations in various legal disputes. We are conducting litigation and advisory work related to disputes arising from business relations with foreign corporations.

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School Dispute

We provide the best advisory services on various legal issues related to school management based on years of working experience.

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Civil Litigation
Criminal Defense
Family / Inheritance
Intellectual Property
Maritime / Transport
International Transaction
School Dispute



6F, 52, Seochojungang-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 06640